1Diah Titik Mutiarawati | 1Sri Sulami Endah Astuti | 1 Indah Lestari
1Department of Medical Laboratory, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: diahtitikmutiarawati@yahoo.com
Ascariasis is an intestinal infection caused by the parasite Ascaris lumbricoides. Wuluh starfruit leaves are a natural plant that can be used as a natural worm medicine because this plant contains several compounds that have the potential to act as anthelmintics, namely, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal anthelmintic power of starfruit leaf extract in experimental animals in vivo.The method in this study was experimental with a post test only group design. The subject of the research is Ascarisdia gallinarum. The research was conducted at the Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Medical Laboratory, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya. This study used 6 treatment groups namely 0.9% NaCl as negative control and pyrantel pamoate 0.25% as positive control and starfruit leaf extract with 100% concentration which were consumed for 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days. The data were analyzed by using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, if the data were normally distributed then continued with the Parametric test with Anova and if it was not normally distributed with the non-parametric test with the Kruskal-Wallis test then continued using the Post Hoc test to determine the optimization of the anthelmintic power of the ethanol extract of starfruit leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi) against the death of Ascarisdiagalli worms in vivo. The average number of Ascari diagalli worms found in experimental animals given PZ solution (as negative control) was 11. The mean of Ascari diagalli worms found in experimental animals which were given Pyrantel Pamoate solution (as positive control) was 0.25 = 0 (not found). The average of Ascari diagalli worms found in experimental animals given a solution of ethanol extract of starfruit leaves for 3 days was 7 tails, for 4 days was 3, for 5 days was 2 and for 6 days was 0.5 = 1 tail. It can be concluded that the optimal giving of starfruit leaf ethanol extract solution is for 6 days, because the closest to the positive control is pyrantel Pamoate. The ethanol extract of starfruit leaves has a high chance to be developed as an alternative worm medicine because it has anthelmintic power, especially in ascariasis. side effects are riskier than natural ingredients. However, in particular it is hoped that the community will increasingly utilize starfruit leaves and cultivate starfruit plants and be able to optimally utilize every part of the plant, especially in the leaves as a family medicinal plant.
Keywords: Anthelminti; Ascaris diagall; Wuluh starfruit extract