Author: Shaibu Hawa
School of Graduate Studies | University of Professional Studies, Accra
The representation of women in political leadership in parliament is appalling and has become a matter of concern to the global world. According to Kasomo, 19.6% was recorded as women representation in parliament in the world, as a result of the effect of power disparity between men and women. Women in political leadership face challenges which originate from the system of politics set up or dominated by men and women are expected to fulfill certain expectations and roles outlined by previous male leaders. The task and duty of women even when assigned a political leadership position indicates that women should emphasize less on socioeconomic development, but rather on survival issues. The structure of politics in the contemporary era back to the ancient Greece period has developed the notion of excluding women from politics and leadership positions, as some scholars like Locke and Rousseau indicated that women have no place in politics and leadership, but rather engage in domestic roles like to nurture and be mothers and wives. Historically, the systems of democracy favor men more than women. This is as a result of the liberal democracy and the political system in relation to women’s political leadership. Internationally, women have been involved in issues concerning women and political leadership, but are underrepresented politically in the process of making decision. The subordination of women in the society is the brain behind the low representation of women in parliament or the exemption of women in political leadership and decision making, as women are portrayed to be naïve, unintelligent, displeasing and untrustworthy. According to Adu responsibilities at home such as childcare, serve as a major obstacle to women in political leadership and public office. Women may face challenges when they concentrate less on domestic issues and pay more attention to their political career. Similarly, women may encounter problems like stress and conflict, when more attention is paid to their political career instead of their domestic issues. This therefore cause fear in most women to involve themselves in political leadership whilst those who are already involved in political leadership encounter difficulty to continue to occupy such positions. With regards to this, the study sought to assess the state of women in political leadership in the 4th republican parliament of Ghana.
Keywords: Women in Politics, Parliament of Ghana, Political Leadership Position, Political Barriers