Authors: Tinuk Esti Handayani1
1Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Surabaya, Indonesia
One of the goals of maternal and children’s health program in Indonesia reduced infant and toddlers mortality rate (angka kematian bayi (AKB) dan balita) that was the most sensitive indicator for valuing a quality of health care. The purpose of this research are: 1) identifying the predisposing factor which was mother factor (characteristic of education, age and parity, knowledge, belief/trust, and norm) toward the implementation of lactation management in PONED, Magetan, East Java, Indonesia; 2) identifying the support factor (attitude and motivation from midwives) toward the implementation of lactation management in PONED, Magetan. Based on the result, it could be concluded that: 1) the childbirth mother had “good” educational level, “good” norm, and “enough” belief level regarding lactation management; 2) the midwives had high motivation and good attitude toward lactation management; 3) the implementation of lactation management had quite good quality. Based on the conclusion of the result of this research, it could be suggested that: 1) in improving the implementation of lactation management, it was much needed the support from midwife and family because the involvement from several parties in antenatal period, intranatal period, and postnatal period were much needed; 2) The Health Office and Public Health Center needed to improve in informing regarding the importance of lactation management in realizing the successfulness in giving exclusive breast milk.
Key words: Lactation management, Knowledge, Norm, Belief, Motivation, Attitude