Daniel Minnow MACLAR
Training Consultant | Center for Excellent Training & Consultancy
Email: dminnowmaclar@yahoo.com
This work is concerned with the design and construction of gari sieving machine. From thesaurus legend [www.google.com], sieves are strainers use for separating lumps from powdered materials or grading particles. Wire mesh or closely perforated metal is used for such straining and sifting. Sieves are generally divided into three categories namely, Riddle – a coarse sieve (for gravels), Sifter – a household sieve (for flour etc.) and Strainer – a filter used to retain larger pieces of materials while the smaller pieces or liquids pass through the holes of the sieve into a container[1].
The first part of the work is the overview about cassava and its processing as well as literature about sampled sieves and finally the methodology of the design and construction of the device. The purpose of this work is to design and construct gari sieving machine which would be used to address the problems associated with the raffia sieve (traditional sieving method). The problems identified with the traditional way of sieving the gari were contamination of the product (gari), low production rate, high labour cost, the raffia sieve not being durable and inability to sieve the fine grains required. The machine is enclosed to prevent the product (gari) from contamination either by hand or dust in the air as a result of exposure of the product to the atmosphere. It can sieve one “olonka” cup in every two minutes as compared to the raffia sieve which can sieve an average of thirty-five (35) “olonka” cups a day. Again, it can sieve an average smaller grain size of as compared to the raffia sieve which can sieve an average smaller grain size of . The labour cost could be reduced since only one person is required for the operation of the machine.
The methods used in coming out with this device are interviews and observations during field visit and information gathered from library and internet. Although, the raffia sieve is easy to come by and cost been very low, it has its own associated problems which are enumerated above. Besides, it needs to be changed after it has been used a few number of times because the holes become large and outlive its usefulness. With the advent of this machine, even though the capital cost is high, the problems associated with the raffia sieve would be thing of the past. This machine can be used for a very long time and also has a very low running cost.
Keywords: Gari, Raffia Sieve