Authors: 1Dr. Apea-Bah Cyril Swithin, PhD. | 2Prof. Allan Kwasi Asante-Yeboah, PhD.
1,2School of Finance & Financial Management
Business University of Costa Rica
Ivan (2005, p.121) indicates that, ‘Michael Bromwich [1976] was moved to write, The businessman’s attitude may be also affected by the dominance of the firm’s information system by accountants, who, in general, have not been trained in the techniques [of discounted cash flows] …, and whose professional attitudes may possibly militate against their acceptance.’ It further indicates that ‘times have now changed, and discounted cash flows are part and parcel of the curriculum of the various professional accounting bodies’ examinations. And yet, there are still some firms who cling on to older methods, even when they have become superseded by more scientifically valid techniques’. Ivan (2005, p.121). From this understanding, the study would determine the techniques about capital budgeting tools, and project management models the sector uses. Also, the other behavioural factors of the professional bodies in the sector would be identified, from these issues; the apathy in employing qualified personnel for financial management tasks, described as Accounting. The tendency where Managers with non-financial management background such as Engineering with Mechanical and Electricals, would not appreciate the use of theories and models of capital budgeting for substantial financial injection decision making would be done. The determinants of capital budgeting tools the sector would use for funding commitments. Determining project management models the sector would use for larger and smaller projects. Computing the financial loss of the investor, and considered risk analysis of some already done projects stack half-way for years. The methods the sector would use for such projects would have to be determined. There would be proposed capital budgeting tool and project management framework model for comparative analysis in terms of the importance of models usage before embarking on a project. The survey questionnaires, interviews, and observations would describe the graphical consideration posture of the results that the problem statements would give out, for drawing the findings and recommendations.
Keywords: Project Risk Management, 4-D and 7-S models, Infrastructure Projects