Ofori Issah1|Ackah David3*|Dadzie Boafo Eric3
2*ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5709-4787
3ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-4782-4125
1, Department of Supply Chain & Information System, KNUST Business School, KNUST
2*, Knutsford Business School, Knutsford University College, Ghana
3, Department of Procurement & Supply, School of Business, Takoradi Technical University
*Correspondence: Ofori Issah, email: kwabenaofori35@gmail.com
This study emphasizes the significance of organizational culture and top management orientation in influencing the success of e-procurement, supply chain sustainability, and firm performance. The study exclusively utilized a quantitative research approach in formulating the framework for the study. convenience sampling was adopted during visits to selected organizations, where a total of 400 questionnaires were administered to available procurement staff. The final sample size for the study was determined by the 385 respondents who completed the questionnaire during the researcher’s visit. The findings of the study indicate that electronic procurement has a positive and significant influence on firm performance. Electronic procurement has a significant positive effect on organizational culture. Organizational culture has a significant positive effect on firms’ performance. Organizational culture is a statistically significant mediates the relationship between electronic procurement and firms’ performance, with a moderately strong positive effect. Top management orientation positively and significantly moderates the relationship between organizational culture and firm performance. The interaction between contingency factors and organizational culture does not significantly impact firm performance. It underscores the need for organizations to align their culture and leadership style with the requirements of e-procurement implementation
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Top Management Orientation, E-Procurement Firms’ Performance, Contingency Factors.
Citation: Ofori, I., Ackah, D., Dadzie. B., E., (2024), “Digitalization and Operational Performance of the Audit Service of Ghana”, Project Management Scientific Journal, 2024, 7(9): pp.93-116. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/pmsj.v7i9.6