1 Kevin Ogonji Muluka| 2 Calistus Adema Luhombo
1,2 Adjunct Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.
Email: kevinmuluka@yahoo.com1 | luhomboc@gmail.com 2
Project complexity continues to be extensively explored in project management studies because of its contribution towards the failure of significant projects in terms of cost and time overruns. This study was necessitated by the need to understand the moderating effect of project complexity on the relationship between stakeholder management and success factors of the Digital Literacy Programme in Kenya. Ultimately, the stakeholders involved in a project are the best judge of project success. This study analysed project complexity as a moderating variable due to its influential role in determining project success. This study investigated how project complexity moderates the relationship between stakeholder management practices and project success. This study analysed project complexity as a moderating variable due to its influential role in determining project success. The target population for this study was 4,337 public primary schools in Western Kenya, namely the counties of Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Kisii, Kisumu, Migori and Vihiga. A stratified random sampling design selected 354 respondents from the seven counties. Primary data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted to test validity and reliability. After collecting data and subsequent cleaning, the data was processed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis to determine the relationships between stakeholder management practices and success factors of the Digital Literacy Programme. Data analysis was done using the Statistical Package of Social Science. In the findings of Analysis of Variance, the coefficients indicated that stakeholder management practices had a statistically significant contribution in predicting the Digital Literacy Programme success factors and that stakeholder management was effective at 5% significance. From the findings, project complexity significantly moderated the relationship between the success factors of the Digital Literacy Programme and stakeholder management practices. The study recommends training on managing project complexity, adopting best stakeholder management practices and standardising these practices to enhance the success of school projects.
Keywords: Stakeholder Management, Project Complexity, Success Factors, Digital Literacy Programme