1Acquah Peter | 2Ofori Issah | 3Ackah David
1African University College of Communication (AUCC)
2Kwame Nkrumah University of Technology, School of Business
3UNEM International Programme, Universadad Empresarial de Costa Rica
Email: drackah@ipmp.edu.gh
Purpose – The study explores the challenges stakeholders pose and the means of reducing the challenges to public sector project implementation.
Design/method/approach – 70 questionnaires were administered to stakeholders, of which 50 responses were retrieved within the designated timeframe, representing a response rate of 71%. The study adopted a quantitative approach.
Findings – The results show stakeholders’ challenges negatively and significantly affect public sector project implementation. We also found that economic project failure has a negative significant impact on the national economy of Ghana.
Originality/value – This study explores and tests the effects of stakeholder challenges on public sector projects. The study highlighted that economic project failures hurt the Ghanaian economy.
Keywords: stakeholder challenges, public sector projects, economic project failure, Ghanaian economy