1Edward Domina Attafuah | 2David Ackah (PhD)
1Business University of Costa Rica | 2Center for Excellent Training & Consultancy
Email: 1edwardattafuah12@gmail.com | 2drackah@ipmp.edu.gh
This treatise assessed credit management practices at university of Ghana health services (UGHS) and their effect on performance. The main objectives of the study were to identify the credit management practice at university of Ghana health services and their effect on performance. This was against the backdrop of the increasingly risky nature of the financial landscape and the high incidence of non-performing loans due to the lack of well diversified and efficient strategies for credit delivery which has crippled a lot of financial institutions and plunged them into crisis. The descriptive survey method was used for the study. The sample size comprised of 33 respondents who were purposively selected in order to obtain the kind of data that was required for the study. Interviews were distributed in order to gather the primary data together with an interview guide.
Keywords: Credit Management Practices, Public Financial Administration, Economic management, Procurement Acts, Procurement System, Development Economics