Authors: Ardiyanto1 | Abdul Hakim2 | Bambang Supriyono3| Khairul Muluk4
1Faculty of Social and Political Science, Jember University
2,3,4Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University
Government Regulation No. 20 in 2006 on the management policy of water irrigation principally needed government’s role that was: management policy of irrigation principally should increase participation of societies, regional governments based on his / her authority should be able to encourage farmer’s participation who were members of HIPPA / GHIPPA in the development and management of irrigation system. It was to create and increase the sense of belonging and responsibility for sustainability of irrigation system. This case study aimed at determining the role of regional government bureaucracy in guiding and empowering HIPPA/GHIPPA institution from strengthening aspect of HIPPA/GHIPPA institution, from technical aspect of irrigation management, and financial aspect of irrigation management, as well as efforts to improve the quality of human sources of HIPPA / GHIPPA. The method used in this study was qualitative, relying on interview techniques, observation and documentation as a mean of data collection. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using the Procedure for the data analysis according to McNabb. It was found that: 1) The role of regional government bureaucracy in the management of irrigation could be analyzed by using policy instruments, namely: regulations, public owned enterprice, and direct public good provision; 2) Empowering HIPPA / GHIPPA’s human sources was done through stages: awerening, understanding, harnessing, and using; 3) The role of regional government bureaucracy in improving the human resource quality of of HIPPA / GHIPPA committee had not had a personal competency in mapping of HIPPA / GHIPPA committee, thus, the quality improvement of HIPPA / GHIPPA committee became less focused; 4) Participation of HIPPA / GHIPPA committee and farmers generally were still low; 5) potential conflict in the management of irrigation was quite high. This study recommended a role model of regional government bureaucracy in the management of irrigation.
Keywords: Irrigation, Government Bureaucracy, role