Author: Raymond Komla Akadi
University of Professional Studies Accra
School of Graduate` Studies
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It is anticipated that this study will go a long way to help teachers to realize the effect of their leadership roles on standard of education in Ningo-Prampram District. Furthermore since it is a general assertion or belief by other stakeholders of education namely government, parents, community members, the District Education Oversight Committee members (DEOC) among others that the falling educational standards in the Ningo-Prampram district is as a result of failure of teachers to perform their leadership roles as expected, the study will help authenticate and also establish this assertion that the fall of educational standards is not caused by teachers. The study will further help in the re-examination of educational standards in Ningo-Prampram district and serve as a wake-up call to all whose duty it is to see to education in the Ningo-Prampram district to direct their attention to the exact factor that will help correct the mistakes that are being made for which educational standards are falling. The Study will in another development help to determine the extent of effect of teachers’ leadership roles on standard of education in Ningo-Prampram district, and thus help provide a solution to the causes of the problem and thereby serve as a wake-up call to the authorities in the district and its educational stakeholders to help improve standards.
The study will present acriterion by which judgments can be made by state and local school personnel and communities, helping them to decide which curriculum, laws of administration, health program, staff development activity and assessment program will be appropriate. The study will in addition encourage policies that will bring coordination, consistency, and coherence to the improvement of the process of education. This study will assist government and education officials in Ghana as a whole, after a thorough study to restructure their modes of monitoring and supervision in schools, timely delivery of teaching and learning materials, provision of classroom infrastructure and all that go into making education delivery a success. Time table for teachers who wish to go for further studies will also be strategically drawn (by the Curriculum Research and Development Division (CRDD) of the Ministry of Education who serve as authorities and educational policy makers. These policies after they have been made are implemented at the district, municipal and metropolitan levels. The district education offices are additionally responsible for determining when teachers go for study leaveso that their absence does not disturb the academic calendar, more so taking away the pupils’ contact hours.
In conclusion, the study will help parents who always consider the process of holistically educating their children as the sole responsibility of teachers to change their attitude towards their wards and education in general. The study will help them distinguish other anti-social vices which are not realized as having effect on educational standards as equally responsible or irresponsible towards the success or failure of their children.
Keywords: Dominant Role, Teachers Role in School, Parent Role in Education