1&2<\/sup><\/em>Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Surabaya, Indonesia <\/em><\/p>\n Abstract<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n Biological organic fertilizer was a fertilizer that was made from organic materials (plant, cattle dung, etc.) with a help from Effective Microorganism (EM) as the biodecomposer with simple technology that could use local material, cheap material, and easily in producing. This research was an experimental research in field, which was researching the effectiveness of EM from tomato and the content of chicken intestine as the starter in the process of making biological organic fertilizer. <\/em>The design of this research was true experiment with the form of Pretest-Posttest in control group design by involving >1 independent variables. This research utilized 3 variances of EM materials, which were 1 lt EM of tomato, 1 lt EM of chicken intestine and mixture between \u00bd lt EM of tomato and \u00bd lt EM of chicken intestine. Each variance would be mixed by 10 kg of fertilizer material (6 kg of cattle dung, 1 kg of bran and 3 charcoal husks). Each of the materials was replicated 3 (three) times. The result of this research utilized SNI\/2004 standard, which was:\u00a0 pH, temperature, humidity, water level, odor, color, texture, chemical parameters (C,N,K,P,C\/N), and long maturation. The result of measurement and observation was it had become a fertilizer in control sample, EM of tomato, EM of chicken intestine, and the synergic EM between EM of tomato and EM of the intestine, which each of them had pH (6.9; 7; 7; 7), temperature (31.9; 33.8; 35.4;35.5), humidity (40; 39.8; 44.8; 43.7), chemical parameter C (21.7; 18.7; 18.4; 21.9),N (1.4; 1.3;1.2; 1.2), K (2.3; 2.4;1.55;1.8), P (0.8; 1.1;0.9;1.0), C\/N (15.3; 14.5; 15.3; 18.3), odor, color, texture, and qualified the requirement of SNI\/2004 standard. Moreover, the best result of the fermentation by using either synergic intestine or tomato in 5 weeks of compost maturation time was the EM of tomato and intestine needed 6 weeks, meanwhile, the control group in 8 weeks had not matured. Therefore, either tomato or chicken intestine could be used as the starter in making organic fertilizer by farmer.\u00a0 <\/em><\/p>\n