Authors: 1Vina Fitria Yon Surya, 2Erma Sulistyaningsih, & 3Zarah Puspitaningtyas
Master Program of Public Health Sciences, Graduate program, University of Jember
Quality of service is an important element in the effort to improve a public service. One of the factors that affect the quality of service can be said either the performance of employees. Improving the performance of human resources is very important in the effort to improve services to the community. Factors that affect the non-running of public services with one of them such as employee performance issues. This study aims to analyze and explain the extent to which the influence of employee performance on service quality Center for Public Health Pajarakan Probolinggo District. This research uses explanatory research type using 92 patients as research sample. The data obtained were analyzed by validity and reliability test using Product Moment Pearson correlation formula. The data analysis is preceded by the classical assumption test followed by simple linear regression test. Hypothesis testing is done to see the correlation coefficient of independent variable to dependent by using t test. The result of the research shows that employee performance has positive direction and significantly influence the service quality. Performance of employees can affect the quality of service and it is known that the effectiveness is an indicator that has the greatest influence than other indicators on service quality. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the performance of employees on the quality of service in Center for Public Health Pajarakan Probolinggo District.
Keywords: Performance, Service