Authors: Ana Nurlaili Hidayah1, Nurul Ma’rifah2, Widyanti Afifah3, Didik Hasmono4
1Master Program of Clinical Pharmacy, 3Master Program of Clinical Pharmacy,
4Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University
Glutamine appears as an essential amino acid in patients with catabolic disease. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and free amino acid pool in the body that has a five-carbon Glutamine supplementation has been associated with reduced mortality, infections and hospital length of stay in critically ill patients and patients undergoing major surgery. Parenteral nutrition (PN) glutamine supplementation may be advantageous in certain other adult surgical patients or critically ill non-ventilated patients requiring PN. A positive impact of PN glutamine supplementation in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, burn patients, and patients with severe acute pancreatitis remains unclear and warrants large, well designed, randomized control trial