Authors: Susmawati1, Sri Widati2, Rika Subarniati Triyoga3
1Master Student at Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Indonesia
2&3Lecturer at Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Indonesia
Teeth is one part of the body that serves function for chewing food, talking and maintaining the shape of the face, therefore it is important to maintain the health of teeth as early as possible so that they can last longer in the oral cavity. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of family support and cultural support on the behavior of teeth brushing in students at Bungbaruh 1 State Elementary School. This study applied case control design with population divided into 35 respondents in case group (brushing teeth with tooth powder made of brick) and 50 respondents in control group (brushing teeth with tooth paste). The samples taken into study were 56 people (divided into 28 in case group and 28 in control group) taken using simple random sampling technique. Statistical test was carried out using Chi-square test and logistic regression. The results indicated that there was significant influence of family support (p value = 0,016), cultural support (p value = 0,007), knowledge of teeth brushing (p value = 0,006) and attitude in teeth brushing (p = 0.002) on teeth brushing behavior. The result of logistic regression test revealed that the most influencing variable on tooth brushing behavior was students’ attitude toward teeth brushing behavior with tooth powder made of brick (OR = 3,039) which means that better attitude lead to the possibility teeth brushing using tooth paste. It is advised to do dental maintenance from an early age with proper knowledge about behavior and practice of teeth brushing to children in Bungbaruh 1 State Elementary School. It is also advised that the family to not practice teeth brushing using tooth powder made of brick at home and to provide health education about proper behavior of teeth brushing in society.
Keywords: Culture support, Family support, Teeth brushing behavior.