Authors: Nanik Dwi Astutik1, Marlina Setiawati Mahajudin2, Erikavitri Yulianti3
1Student of Magister Program, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Indonesia
2&3Lecturer of Mental Health Sciences Department of Dr.Soetomo Hospital, Indonesia
Elderly is considered as the final stage of development in the life cycle of human. The number of elderly is increasing every year both in the world and in Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, in 2020, it is estimated that the number of elderly is about 80,000,000. In the 21st century, the special challenges in the field of health from the increasing number of elderly are the emergence of degenerative problems and Non-Transmitted Diseases; one of them is being difficult to sleep. One of the non-pharmacological practices in improving the quality of elderly sleep is by performing progressive muscle relaxation techniques and listening to music. The goal to be achieved is to analyze the Influence of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Gending Javanese Music Accompaniment on Elderly Sleep Quality Improvement. The research design used was pre experimental with One Group Pre-test- Post-test design. The sampling method was done by Purposive Sampling with 12 samples. The research result by using Wilcoxon statistical test obtained value p = 0,003 <α = 0,05 which shows that the quality of elderly sleep improved. In the end, the conclusion of the present research is there is an influence of progressive muscle relaxation exercise with Gending Javanese music accompaniment on elderly sleep quality improvement. In addition, as suggestion, it is recommended to Wredha Nursing Home party to put the exercise into daily schedule of elderly, so that sleep quality problem in elderly can be improved.
Keywords: Sleep Quality, Relaxation, Progressive Muscle, Gending Javanese Music, Elderly.