Authors: Ismayani1, M Bagus Qomaruddin², Rachmat Hargono²
1Student, Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia,
2Lecturer, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
HIV-AIDS is a priority health problems in the city of Surabaya. HIV-AIDS cases are likely to rise each year. The city of Surabaya is the highest contributor to the cases in East Java. This study aimed to analyze the influence of social support on individual coping resources in the prevention of HIV- AIDS transmission and the influence of social support on community stigma in people with HIV-AIDS. The research type was analytic observational with cross sectional design. The sample of study was 380 respondents aged 18-49 years who lived in the village of Jagir with inclusion criteria who are willing to be respondents. Method of sampling was multistage random sampling. Data were collected by interviews, then analyzed by using regression test. Social support had significant and positive influence on individual coping resources in prevention of HIV-AIDS transmission (p-value = 0.01, β = 1.83). Social support had significant and positive influence on community stigma on people with HIV-AIDS (p = 0.021, β = 12.9). Social support can improve people’s capacity in problem solving, improve community control in HIV / AIDS prevention efforts, and improve people’s access to HIV-AIDS information resources when they are running optimally. Social support can also minimize the stigma of people against people living with HIV, although there are still some people who have a negative perception of people living with HIV. Increasing public knowledge through extension on prevention and ongoing transmission of HIV – AIDS can minimize public stigma in PLWHA.
Keywords: HIV-AIDS, Stigma, Coping resources, Social support.