Authors: Denok Indraswati1, Djoko Windu P. Irawan2, Sunaryo3, Susi Nurweni4, Deka Akbar Prambudi5
1,2,3,4&5Health Polytecnic of Surabaya, Indonesia;
Traditional snacks are one component in culinary heritage. Traditional snacks have a good taste and appearance that tempts consumers, so that the value of quality and food safety needs to be considered. The purpose of this study was to observe, examine and analyze the quality of traditional snacks sold at the Sayur Market in Magetan Regency from physical, chemical and microbiological aspects. This type of research is a descriptive study which is designed based on a cross sectional approach, using descriptive analysis of the data in the table and expressed in narrative form. Samples of traditional snacks are janggelan, lopis, cenil, jongkong and petolo. Data collection was carried out by organoleptic observation including color, aroma, texture, and taste, as well as the content of food additives namely borax, formalin and rhodamine-B, and the number of germs. Three types of traditional snacks (janggelan, petolo and lopis) were found to be safe for consumption because they met the requirements. Based on the examination the number of germs, there were 2 types of traditional snacks found an average of 11,500 col / gr in Jongkong food and in Cenil food found an average of 27,733 col / gr, so that it is not in line with the quality standards in Decree of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number HK. in 2009, concerning the determination of the limits of microbial and chemical contamination in food namely 10,000 colonies / gram. It means that based on the number of germs found in Jongkong and Cenil foods , the foods is not safe to consume because it does not meet the requirements.
Keywords: Traditional food quality, physical, chemical, microbiological aspects