Authors: Puspita Rahmawati1, Suhartono2, Mursid Raharjo2
1 Public Health Faculty Diponegoro University Semarang
2 Lecture Diponegoro University Semarang
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Exposure to cigarette smoke can cause serious effects such as impaired thyroid function. Cigarette smoke contains several toxins such as thiosionate. Tiosionate has potential goitrogenic properties, which in the body of thiosionate can inhibit the absorption of iodide by the thyroid gland. Impaired thyroid function during pregnancy can lead to various health problems such as premature birth, low birth weight (LBW), perinatal mortality and developmental disturbance of Intelligence quotient (IQ). This study aims to determine the relationship of exposure to cigarette smoke with FT4 levels in pregnant women in Brebes District. This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional study design conducted in Brebes District with 92 samples selected by simple random sampling. Data collection through measurement of FT4 levels and interviews. Data analysis using Fisher exact test. The results showed no significant relationship between exposure to cigarette smoke with FT4 levels in pregnant women with a p-value of 0.141 or> 0.05. Based on research and FT4 level measurement results found as much as 1.1% of respondents with normal FT4 levels. To prevent negative effects of exposure to environmental chemicals it is necessary to socialize to pregnant women about the dangers of exposure to secondhand smoke for mother and fetus in the biological, it is advisable to pregnant women not to be near family members who smoke when they are smoking
Keywords: Cigarette Smoke, FT4, Pregnant Women