Authors: Frida Hendrarinata1, Denok Indraswati2, Djoko Windu P. Irawan3, Lilis Prihastini4
1,2,3&4Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Indonesia
The trading of injected / wet broiler chicken (chicken that has been injected with water) is traded in big city, markets and traditional markets in almost all parts of Indonesia. Traders are ambitious to achieve greater profits, while the public (consumers / buyers) lack knowledge, oriented towards low prices, consume just to meet the needs of a full stomach. Both traders and the public do not pay attention to the risk of injected / wet broiler chicken meat. The objective of the research was to analyze the organoleptic aspects and the number of germs between healthy broiler chicken meat and injected broiler chicken meat. This study is Descriptive research type with observational approach. Population includes “unclear or uncertain population”, primary data with organoleptic and laboratory tests, compared with quality standards Decree of the Directorate General of Drug and Food Control Number 03726 / B / SK / VII / 1989 concerning Maximum Limit of Microbial Contamination in Carcass Meat Foods and Frozen Boneless Meat, analyzed using table analysis, then described. The results of organoleptic research on healthy broiler chicken meat: white-yellow, bright, shiny, clean, when touched feels moist and non-sticky, specific smells of meat, consistency of elastic chest muscles and thighs, elastic, white carcass and muscle fibers little white pale, blood vessels in the neck and wings have no blood. Injected broiler chicken meat: wetter, water was found on the underside of the skin, more soft, when raised it dripped water, when sliced across it released water. The number of germs of healthy broiler chicken meat is 185,333 cabbage / gram, does not exceed the quality standard, fulfills the requirements and is suitable for consumption. The average number of injected broiler chickens is 1,388,333 col / gram, exceeds the quality standard, does not meet the requirements, and it is not suitable for consumption. It is recommended that further research be conducted on the behavior of the sellers of injected chicken and the types of microbes found in the injected chicken meat.
Keywords: injected broiler chicken, organoleptic, germ rate.