Authors: Moch Rizal Ardiansyah, Yulistiani*
Departement of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Airlangga University 60286, Surabaya, Indonesia
Alzheimer’s is one of the most common forms of dementia, this pathological condition is mostly experienced by older people (especially age> 85 years). Dementia is an acquired, persistent, and progressive intellectual failure, and is accompanied by memory loss and at least one cognitive symptom. One of the cognitive symptoms is aphasia (word finding difficulty), apraxia (inability to perform motor task), agnosia (inability to recognize object), and impaired executive function (poor abstraction, mental flexibility, planning, and judgment). Based on histochemical/ microscopic examination can be found neuritic plaque and neurofibrillary tangles. On the cerebrospinal fluid examination, Aβ42 levels can be found low and increased levels of protein tau. Multiple neurotransmitter abnormalities also contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly cholinergic transmission failure. In addition, other neurotransmitter abnormalities such as glutamate, serotonin and substance P are also seen. Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease to date is limited to cognitive symptoms, there is no treatment aimed at treating (curative) or overcoming the major problems that cause Alzheimer’s (amelioration). Many potential new therapeutic / pharmacologic agents, still in the process of research / investigation to date. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), the researchers reported that the β-secretase inhibitor drug could significantly decrease Aβ levels in mild-moderate Alzheimer’s. Verubecestat is a class of β-secretase inhibitor (BACE1 inhibitor) drugs that enter in phase 3 clinical trial.
Keyword: alzheimer ’s disease, Verubecestat, Β-Secretase Inhibitor.