Authors: Alwin Widhiyanto1, Al Munawir2, Hadi Prayitno3
Student at Post Graduate Program of Public Health Science, University of Jember, Indonesia
Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, Indonesia
Lecturer at Faculty of Social Science and Politicial Science, University of Jember, Indonesia
Smartphone is one of developing information and communication technology capable of providing information services quickly and accurately so make Smartphone as the needs for almost people today. Smartphone connected to the internet will help students to find information that can sustain their knowledge in school. Improper using Smartphone such as excessive duration using, wrong position, less lighting room will affect the health, especially muscles and nerves. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of duration of Smartphone using to neck pain. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of analytic research and included cross sectional research. The research population are all students SMAN 01 Kraksaan Probolinggo which have a Smartphone for about 979 students. In this study, 91 respondents are obtained by simple random sampling and carried out in August 2017. To find the effect of the duration of Smartphone using to neck pain is used Chi-Square Test. The results of this study as many as 37 respondents (40.7%) are using a Smartphone with a high duration, 53 respondents (58.2%) experienced neck pain in using Smartphone. Chi-Square test results obtained P value 0,000 data with significant 0.05 level so it can be concluded H1 accepted if the price of P value <0.05 which means there is influenced duration of Smartphone using to neck pain in SMAN 01 Kraksaan – Probolinggo. Technology is created because it has benefits that can help or facilitate human in life. In addition to a positive impact, using Smartphone can also cause negative impacts in terms of health if the use is not appropriate, among others, can cause dizziness, tired / hot eyes.
Keywords: Duration, Smartphone, Neck pain