Authors: Zaenab1, Rafidah2
1&2Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Makassar, Indonesia
Citric acid contained in lime is 7 – 7,6%. The decrease of Pb levels caused by acid solution can damage the complex bond of metal protein, besides Pb is a type of fat soluble metal so that by dissolving the fat indirectly also decrease the levels of Pb and Cd in sells meat and Shrimp. The purpose of this research was to know the effectiveness of lime juice (Citrus autontrifolia swingle) in decreasing levels of Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb) on Shells Meat and WhiteShrimp. The type of this research was experimental quantitative research that was treatment with immersion of lime juice (Citrus autrontifolia swingle) with concentration of 15% and 30% in 30 minutes and 60 minutes immersion variation to decrease the levels of Hg, Cd and Pb on shells meat and White shrimp. The results of the study showed that the decrease of mercury weight (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb) on Shellfish and White Shrimp after 15% of lime juice was immersed in 30 minutes of soaking time effectively decreased Hg levels in Marcia himalina amounted to 97.95%. In soaking lime juice 15% in 60 minutes immersion time is most effective to decrease Hg levels in Marcia hiantina shells by 98.17%. In 30% of the 30% of 30% lime juice in 30 minutes of immersion is most effective in reducing Hg levels in Marcia hiantina shells by 93.33%. As well as on soaking water of lime juice 30% in 60 minutes soaking time most effectively reduce the level of Hg on Marcia hiantina shells by 97.6%.
Meat shells and white shrimp soaked with lime juice decreased heavy metal levels. The longer the shell in soak with lime juice then the heavy metal levels decreases. This decrease was due to the long immersion time the metal contact with the acid is also longer, so acid has a long chance to bind the metal.
Keywords: Lime juice (Citrus Autrantifoliaswingle), Hg, Cd, Pb, Shellfish and White Shrimp