Author: Syamsu Rijal
Magister Student at Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Indonesia
Kepil Village is one of the villages in Kepil sub-district categorized as HCI village (High Case Incidence). In finding the suspect malaria sufferers based on the type of clinical examination, there are two possibilities of mistake arise that is the discovery of false positives or false negatives. Therefore, it is necessary committed a clinical diagnosis study that has high validity and easy to be done by every health officers. This study aimed to calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of each clinical symptoms of malaria examination, calculate the prevalence of malaria and to know the type of malaria parasite in Kepil village, Kepil sub-district, Wonosobo regency. This study was observational research which only observes the natural course of events, and making notes of sufferers and not sufferers under study. The type of this research was cross-sectional by screening. Subjects taken were 96 people and there were 35 people with positive results. It was known by the symptoms combination of fever and headache which had the highest sensitivity for 97.1%, but the specificity is only 9.8%, while the symptoms combination of fever, chills, aches, weakness, diarrhea, and the lack of appetite had 100% as the highest specificity but the sensitivity is only 2.9%. The prevalence of malaria in Kepil was 36.5%. Type of malaria parasite in Kepil village found 80% was vivax plasmodium. Clinical symptoms that have high validity (sensitivity and specificity) with a positive slide of malaria were symptoms of fever chills, vomiting, pain, therefore the combination of symptoms could be used as a tool to identify the malaria in Kepil Village. This is going to increase the Slide Positivity Rate (SPR), saving the cost and time of blood preparation therefore the treatment can be given to the right person and malaria sufferers.
Keywords: validity, clinical symptoms of malaria, cases finding