Authors: Siti Nurul Fajriah1, Fahrul Islam2, Iksan Darmawan3
1,2&3Department of Physiotherapy, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Makassar, Indonesia
This study focused on the analysis of the relationship between internet addiction with physical fitness, hemoglobin levels and leukocyte levels of students at the Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Makassar, Indonesia due to the changing life style of students with internet addiction causing lack of sleep, uncontrolled nutrient consumption and lack of physical activity. The design used in this research was cross-sectional. Of 58 people as a sample, it was known that there is a weak correlation between internet addiction with physical fitness, hemoglobin level and leukocyte level with r <0.5, with p value for leukocytes = 0.046. While p value for hemoglobin and physical fitness was >0.05. Internet addiction correlated weakly with leukocyte levels, hemoglobin levels and physical fitness (VO2max). There was a significant relationship between internet addiction with leukocyte levels (p = 0.046).
Keywords: internet addiction, physical fitness, hemoglobin, leukocyte.