Author: Constance Buah
Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Procurement & Supply Chain Management,
University College of Management Studies, Accra, Ghana
Executive Summary
This study is about outsourcing, as the independent variable and its effects on outsourced services and organizational performance in Ghana, as the dependent variables. This chapter presents the background to the study, statement of the problem, general objective of the study, specific objectives, research questions (hypotheses), scope of the study, and significance of the study. The study findings will help to inform the diverse organizations on different ways of how outsourcing can be made significant to organizational performance. The study findings will also help legislators such as members of parliament and management by availing them with information that they may use to make verdicts that are more informed, as far as outsourcing is concerned. Finally, the findings will be of great use to the academia, particularly those who may wish to convey out further study on outsourcing and performance. It may build on the current body of literature and knowledge. The study focused on the effect of outsourcing on organizational performance with particular focus on Societal Generale (SG) Bank Limited. Therefore, the study sought to establish the interplay between the drive for outsourcing and the effect of such outsourcing on the business performance. The content scope also involved outsourcing, as the independent flexible and outsourced services and organizational performance as the dependent variable. Geographically, the study is carried out in Kaneshie where the Branch Office of Societal Generale (SG) Bank Limited is located.
Keywords: Outsourcing, Sourcing, Organizational Performance