Authors: Wiwi Rumaolat1, M.S.J. Malisngorar2, Epi Dusra3, Ulima Asni4
1,2,&3Lecturer of STIKes (Colleges of Health Science)Maluku Husada, Indonesia
4Student of Nursing Study Program of STIKes Maluku Husada, Indonesia
ARI (Acute Respiratory Infections) is one of the most diseases that lead to death in the world and also in Indonesia specifically. A lot of children of preschool age experience ARI in working area of Kairatu Puskesmas. This study aims to figure out the factors related to occurrence of ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) on pre-school children in working area of Kairatu Puskesmas (Public Health Center), western part of Seram regency. This research is analytic descriptive study using cross sectional method. The sampling technique of this research using cluster sampling, then obtained a sample of 96 people respondents consisted of patients of preschool children. The collecting of the data is from questionnaire filling, interview and observation. Then the data is analyzed using SPSS applying statistical tests with the significance level of 0.05. The results obtained that the significance value of mother’s education is (p = 0.006) residential density (p = 0.028) types of floor (p = 0.507) ventilation (p = 0.302) family behavior (p = 0.023). From these results it can be concluded that the type of floor and ventilation does not have a significant relationship to the occurrence of ARI while the mother’s education, residential density and family behavior has a relationship with ARI occurrence.
Keywords: ARI, Preschool Children, Mother’s Factor, Environmental Factors, Family Factor