1Godwin Uzoma Chikwere | 2Simon S.K. Dzandu
1Faculty of Business and Mgt. Studies | 2Procurement Directorate | Koforidua Technical University
Email: chikweregodwinuzoma@gmail.com | komladzandu@gmail.com
This study examined contingency preparedness towards humanitarian logistics in Ghana. The study was conducted through a descriptive survey research design. Structured questionnaire coupled with simple random sampling technique was used to select 50 officers from various departments and structures of Disaster Management and Relief Organizations in Ghana. The collected data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20. Statistical tools such as percentages (%), frequencies, means, median and standard deviation were employed during analysis. Tables and figures were used to display results obtained. Both expressive and inferential statistics were employed. The study revealed that disaster management and relief organizations (DMROs) have humanitarian logistics plan which guides its humanitarian endeavours, however, the plan was found not to be comprehensive enough to coordinate the movement of relief products and resources to disaster victims in a timely, safely, effective and efficient manner. The study also divulged that DMROs in Ghana adopt a proactive approach towards its contingency planning and humanitarian logistics preparedness. Further, the study revealed 10 critical challenges that hamper the operations of humanitarian logistics in Ghana. While DMROs in Ghana give priority to these 10 Challenges in their operations, the study also suggests that DMROs review their logistics plan to cater for accurate demand analysis, coordination essentials, information needs and capitalization on past lessons learnt. DMROs must train their personnel as well as collaborate and consummate both local and external capacities available. This will contribute significantly to solving the problem of personnel deficiency and resources needed to facilitate logistics preparedness towards humanitarian disaster relief.
Keywords: Humanitarian Logistics | Procurement System | Development Economics | Humanitarian Disaster Relief