1Dr. Eric Boafo Dadzie (PhD) | 2Akua Owusuaa | 3George Teye Djaba
1Department of Purchasing & Supply | 2,3Training & Capacity Building Center
1School of Business | Takoradi Technical University | 2,3CETraC Limited
Email: boafodadziee@yahoo.com | eric.dadzie@ttu.edu.gh | nakua7749@gmail.com
There has been significant concern about how corporate bodies’ especially public institutions apply the effectiveness and efficiency of procurement systems in achieving their procurement and organisational objectives respectfully. (OECD, 2010). Increasing the effectiveness and efficient use of state funds necessitates the existence, implementation and operationalization of an adequate procurement system by all public entities to achieve expected goal. This research sought to know the extent of the effectiveness of procurement systems in an attempt to obtain quality service in the public sector. The objectives were to analyse factors that contribute to successful procurement systems and also identify challenges that hamper the achievement of effective procurement systems to achieve excellent quality service. The researcher randomly selected six (6) public institutions that served as the case study area. The target population included procurement practitioners and other internal procurement stakeholders. This research adopted the quantitative survey questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument to gather information from fifty-one (51) respondents. Even though results revealed that the application of procurement principles was satisfactory to some extent, it was picked that the entire procurement operation does not achieve value for money which should be a significant concern for the government, institutions, procurement practitioners, donors, and other stakeholders. Centralised procurement systems are most practised, preferred, and efficient to some extent. Lack of funds, conflict of interest, and poor teamwork were identified as the three most challenging factors facing procurement operations. It was finally established that there is a positive relationship between procurement and quality service since quality service is seen as dependent on procurement operation. Therefore, with proper procurement management, the average quality service by institutions will be, and where inefficient procurement management is exhibited, then the normal quality service is negatively affected.
Keywords: Procurement Achieving Quality Service, Procurements Quality, Procurement Systems