1Appohwood Vilbert Mcobrein | 2Makafui R. A. Ackah
1,2Department of Procurement & Supply Chain Management,
1,2Accra Technical University
Email: vilbertappohwood@gmail.com | makafuiagboyi@gmail.com
Green procurement refers to acquisition of products and services with smaller-than-average environmental footprints. This study analyzed green procurement in manufacturing industry in Ghana, a case study of Unilever Ghana Limited. In addressing the latter, the research aimed at establishing the effect of staff competence in green procurement on performance of Unilever Ghana Limited, to find out the effect of green procurement ICT infrastructure has on performance of Unilever Ghana Limited and to assess the role of supplier participation in green procurement on performance of Unilever Ghana Limited. The beneficiaries will include; the management, employees and stakeholders in Unilever Ghana Limited. Descriptive research design was used and a stratified random sampling method to pick a sample of the respondents who were provided with the questionnaires. The target population comprised over 60 employees from Unilever Ghana Limited. A sample of 20 respondents was selected. The quantitative data generated was keyed in and analysed by use of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate information which was being presented using tables, charts, frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that, currently there is lack of Structural and organizational change to support implementation of green procurement, poor legal and regulatory framework. Moreover, the cost of green procurement is relatively high and the resources required to implement green procurement are limited in manufacturing sector. The study recommended that, the organization and other stakeholders should ensure that there is Structural and organizational change to support; implementation of green procurement, improvement of legal and regulatory framework on environment, reduction of cost associated with green procurement and allocation of resources necessary for effective implementation of green procurement.
Keywords: Green Procurement, Environmental Footprints, Implementation of Green Procurement